Further events

Traillove - Alpine Mountain Bike Festival

Will be updated soon

Event location

3920 Zermatt Wallis

Event location

3920 Zermatt Wallis


From 10-12 september 2021, we will celebrate the love of trails with the TRAILLOVE Alpine Mountain Bike Festival in Zermatt!

Key highlights include the international biking event with the new EWS-E (E-bike series) – the season will open in Zermatt! This year’s programme will also include “Partner Brand Events”, hosted at various partner locations throughout the village.

In addition to the main event, the first round of the Enduro World Series, visitors to the festival will have the opportunity to combine flow and food on Zermatt’s trails on an “E-bike Taste Tour”. But it's not just all for adults. There’ll be plenty for little ones, too, at the “Traillove Kids” event.

Due to strict hygiene measures, there will be no food and drinks stands this year. However, the many restaurants in the village offer a great alternative.

Join on and help us celebrate the love of trails. #welovetrails

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Verein Traillove