Club meeting

Skiclub Night Race

Will be updated soon

Event location

Zen Stecken
3920 Zermatt Wallis

Event location

Zen Stecken
3920 Zermatt Wallis


Date subject to change:

Dear Members, Guests and Friends of the Zermatt Ski Club. We warmly invite you to this year’s Ski Club Race. For the third time, the Zermatt Ski Club is hosting the Club Race on the “Hausberg Armetje” and we hope to see many people participating. It's free to join in and you’ll receive a small memento.

4.30 pm: drinks and food available
5 pm-5.45 pm: get your startbib
6 pm: start of the race
Afterwards: prizegiving, BBQ and drinks

- Girls Guest 2003-2007
- Boys Guest 2003-2007
- Women Guest
- Men Guest

Insurance is the participant’s responsibility. The Zermatt Ski Club accepts no liability.

More information (in German)


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Skiclub Zermatt