
Chapel “in der Wildi”

The striking white chapel “in der Wildi” stands on the road running through the village of Randa. The small sanctuary is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

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The chapel “in der Wildi” was built in 1882 and is dedicated to the Mother of God. It is a tall, narrow building whose semi-circular choir reveals its 19th-century origins. An open roof turret with wide outspreading pyramid-shaped roof sections made from shingles sits on the stone-tiled roof above the curve of the choir. The simple rectangular portal framed with granite on the gable front is shaded by a canopy. Both externally and internally, the chapel reveals the style of the renovation of 1954. On the inside, the nave is divided into two cross-vaulted bays by a transverse arch on pilasters.

Chapel with small bell
 The top of the choir arch is decorated with a crowned Maria monogram bordered by roses, clouds and rays of light. The large arched windows are decorated with pale violet and yellow glass. The altar was redesigned in 1882, reusing parts of an altar by Johann Ritz. In 1954, the altarpiece was replaced by an Immaculata. The bell, with a diameter of 30.7 cm and tuned to C", is inscribed with the year 1688; its only other decoration is a Latin cross on one side, formed of flowers.

  • Photo subject: small altar in the interior of the chapel
  • Stations of the Cross in the interior of the chapel
  • Regular masses


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Chapel “in der Wildi”